esxcli network nic list (retrieves all NIC information)
esxcli network nic get -n vmnic0 (get full details on a specific NIC)
esxcli network ip route ipv4 add –gateway 10.x.x.x –network 10.x.x.x/25
esxcli network ip route ipv4 list
esxcli network nic down -n vmnic1
esxcli network nic up -n vmnic1
esxcli network ip connection list
esxcli system settings advanced list -o /UserVars/ProductLockerLocation
#NUMA info on ESXi host
esxcli hardware memory get | grep NUMA
esxcli system snmp get
esxcli system snmp set –enable true
/etc/init.d/snmpd status
#VM info
esxcli vm process list
## List the switch Portnumber for VMs
net-stats -l
PortNum Type SubType SwitchName MACAddress ClientName
100663305 5 7 vSwitch4 00:50:56:34:17:b5 ClientVM1
100663306 5 7 vSwitch4 00:50:56:b3:47:b2 ClientVM2
## List ARP cache
esxcli network ip neighbor list
## Capture drop packets on specific VM switchport
pktcap-uw –capture Drop –switchport 33554442
## Capture packet on specific uplink with for specific mac address and redirect to a file
pktcap-uw –uplink vmnic5 –mac 00:50:56:34:17:b5 -o /tmp/test_lost_connection.cap
List Adapters:
esxcli storage core adapter list
Adapters Stats:
esxcli storage core adapter stats get
Rescan Adapters:
esxcli storage core adapter rescan –all
VMKernel Modules:
esxcli system module list
## find the netstack name (case sensitive)
esxcli network ip netstack list
esxcli network diag ping -I vmk1 –netstack=vmotion -H XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
vmkping -I vmk1 -S vmotion XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX